"It is the beginning of the 'innovated in China' era and this is the most exciting thing."
Kai-Fu Lee, CEO of Innovation Works and former VP Google China

Building your Chinese audience, firstly means to reach your potential customers. To help prospects on their journey to find the best products or services, you have to act & convert them to active consumers. Finally, to build a lasting relationship, engaging your consumers ongoingly is key. We manage the entire process, from consumer insights and market & competitor analysis to developing and executing an integrated China Digital Strategy across all owned, payed and earned media.

Reach: China Online Advertisement and Social Media Marketing for Brand Awareness & Familiarity
We manage the strategy and execution of building awareness and familiarity for your brand in China online, at whatever stage of the consumer journey and by whatever means to communice with your target audience through the following channels and services:
- China digital market & online competitor research, consumer insights, segmentation, creation of personas and development of the China online consumer journey for each of your target segements across Chinas geographies & demographics
- China brand website design, User Interface (UI) & User Experience (UE) translation & localization
- Digital Media Buying & Planning on all major Chinese publisher sites and ad networks (Banners, Rich Media, Retargeting)
- China Mobile Marketing through display ads and app distribution
- China Social Media Marketing on all major SNS: content localization, setup & management of profiles on Sina Weibo, Tencent QQ Weibo, RenRen, Douban, Kaixin, Qzone, etc.
- ePR and Chinese Blogger and Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) outreach
- China Seach Engine Marketing Pay Per Click (SEM PPC) on the content networks of Baidu, Google CN, Sogou, Soso, eTao and Qihoo 360

Act & Convert: China Online Customer Acquisition & Conversion
We are specialized on China Digital Performance Marketing, which means contacting your Chinese target audience online with the goal of a specific action, such as newsletter signups, becoming a social media follower and generating leads or sales. Whether onsite or offsite: optimized & integrated across all Chinese digital media channels:
- China campaign site & landing page optimization: usability testing, UI/UE optimization, conversion rate optimizatio, A/B and Multivarible Testing, China Web Analytics setup & configuration
- China E-Commerce one-stop solution: setup & operations of Taobao T-Mall stores and standalone China transactional site/eShop, sales management on 360Buy JingDong, Amazon China and Tencent shop.QQ
- Performance-based China SEM on all major search engines and tied to clearly measurable KPIs like cost-per-acuistion (CPA), cost-per-lead (CPL), cost-per-sale (CPS) down to ROI
- Performance-oriented China online banner display media buying, planning & tracking
- Chinese Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on-site and off-site and for all local Chinese search engines
- China Affiliate Marketing
- China E-Mail (eDM) & SMS Marketing
- Online Reputation & Internet Word Of Mouth (IWOM) Management in China across Search, Discussion Boards (BBS) and Social Networks (SNS)

Engage: China Social CRM, Customer Retention, Brand Loyalty & Advocacy
We develop a China strategy and manage the execution for retaining and growing your customers, fans, sharers, and observers to encourage repeat visits, buzz and ultimately to drive loyalty, advocacy & continuous sales.
- China E-Mail Newsletter Strategy & Execution: Localization, copy-writing, distirbution and tracking
- Online Promotional Communication
- China E-Commerce customer service & support
- Mobile App marketing & development for the Chinese market. Setup and maintenance of profiles on Chinese Location Based Services (LBS) such as Jiepang and Dianping
- China Social CRM
- Social Media Marketing & Chinese Community Management
- China Social Media & Internet Word of Mouth (IWOM) Monitoring
The challenge is that China has it's very own digital landscape. Almost every online service from the Western world is either unavailable or displaced by a domestic alternative. Therefore proven online strategies often can not be directly adapted to China. Still, with a deep understanding of the local market, China offers all the resources & capabilites to make a genuine impact. With our China Digital Lead Agency and Account Management services we can guide you through the entire process.