Daily Digital Pulse Of China: 360Buy, Weixin Apple App Store

China E-Commerce

360Buy Launches Gaming Platform

360Buy has launched it's gaming platform wan.360buy.com over the weekend. The website is now open for users, though it is still in beta phase. With this move, 360Buy is trying to establish new profit streams.

Source: Ebrun 1, Ebrun 2

China Digital

Tencent's Weixin is not available in China app store

Tencent's messaging app Weixin (WeChat) and some other Tencent products are not available in the Chinese and some other Asian app stores. Therefore users are not able to download the app. Tencent responded that is has something to do with the bank account which is attached to Apple and that they expect everything to be back to normal in a few hours.

Source: Tech in Asia

China E-Commerce

New Delivery Options For 360Buy's Customers in Beijing

360Buy has started to cooperate with convenience store provider Good Neighbors, to offer a pick-up service in Beijing. Products a customer buys online, can then be sent to a Good Neighbors store next to the customer, where he can comfortably pick his goods up on the way home or similar. Goog Neighbors profits from this cooperation, because there's the chance that customers will buy something at their stores, when their pickup up their products.

Source: China Tech News
