China Digital
China's Top 20 Internet Companies by Users
iResearch recently published a report of China's Top 20 internet companies by user scale for the first half of this year. Unsurprisingly Tencent still takes the first place. Followed by Microsoft and Qihoo 360 ahead of Sohu, Baidu, Sina and Alibaba. The report also shows that there are 8 out of the 20 companies whose major products are online videos.
Source: TechNode
China Digital
Chinese Gaming Platform Is Going Public In The US, which is a Chinese downloads and gaming platform, is heading towards an US IPO. They plan to offer up to $100 million American depositary shares (ADS). Their total net revenue for the first half of 2012 amounts to 324.5 million RMB (US$ 51.1 million), which is an increase of 173.2% year-on-year.
Source: Tech in Asia
China Digital
Meet Web2Asia at TFM&A in Shanghai
Today and tomorrow the Technology for Marketing & Advertising Expo is taking place in Shanghai. Among famous speakers from Alibaba (China's E-Commerce giant), Renren (China's Facebook equivalent), Tencent (China's biggest web company) & more, also Web2Asia will be represented by CEO George Godula. He will speak tomorrow about how to develop a strategy to maximise the digital value proposition. Make sure to drop in and meet us!

Source: TFM&A Official Website
China E-Commerce
Retail sales of 50 large-scale retail enterprises rose just 4.75%
In September 2012 y-o-y growth rate of retail sales of the China's 50 key large-scale retail enterprises accounted for just 4.75%. This is the lowest growth rate in this year. Compared to August the growth rates of retail sales of food, textile, cosmetics, jewelery and household appliances all decreased. In September 2011 the retail sales y-o-y growth amounted to 24.67%.
Source: Linkshop