China E-Commerce
Online Security Startup Anquanbao Secures Series B Funding
Anquanbao, a Chinese online security outsourcing company, has secured series B investment, for an unknown sum, led by Northern Light Ventures. Anquanbao's team said to foresee a trend towards security outsourcing for business sites in China, to safeguard them against hacker and DDoS attacks. The startup said it aims to serve two million company sites in China, and 60,000+ government-run websites. Currently the service is growing, and has just over 6,000 clients.
Source: Tech In Asia
China Digital
Weibo's Top User Accounts
Based on the latest research from the Chinese Data Center (DCCI), Weibo users account for 88.% of total Chinese netizens. Chinese microblog users’ proportion on different Weibo platforms are below:
- 87.67% of weibo users have accounts on Sina
- 84.69% are Tencent weibo users
- 56.12% are Netease weibo users
- 35.63% are Sohu weibo users
- 13.61% are iFeng weibo users
- 18.37% weibo users have accounts on other weibo platforms

Source: China Internet Watch
China Digital
Free MP3 Downloads in China is Over
It was only last summer that China entered the era of legal and free MP3 downloads, courtesy of web portals such as Baidu Music. But it is to be no more, with major sites like Baidu Music and Tencent's QQ Music are to eliminate free downloads and replace it by monthly subscriptions at the start of the new year. The cost will be in the range of 10 to 15 RMB per month.
Source: Tech In Asia