Daily Digital Pulse of China: Alibaba, Sina, B2C E-Commerce, Social Media apps.

China Digital


Alibaba and Mobile Gaming

Mobile gaming, an industry worth 11.2 billion RMB in 2013, has become huge in China, and Alibaba wants a piece. This coming Wednesday, the Internet super company will be making its first foray into the world of mobile games. Historically, Alibaba has largely been a PC-oriented company, but has been making big efforts to make its name in the mobile sector as well. Along with Laiwang, its mobile messaging app, and Alipay wallet, its mobile e-payment app, Alibaba will be covering all bases after releasing mobile games. For those who are curious, Alibaba will be implementing a 7:2:1 revenue sharing model – with 70% going to developers, 20% going to Alibaba, and 10% going to charity.


China Digital


China Social Sharing Apps Used In Travel

Sina Weibo and Wechat ranked first and second in social sharing networks for travel, with 81.7% and 72.9% respectively. Of those that used social media while traveling, 85.1% shared photos of their travels, 68.1% shared statuses of how they were feeling and 46.8% shared information about their travel location. While traveling the most used mobile app map was the Baidu map with 39.6%, followed by Autonavi with 18.8%. 47.7% of Chinese consumers chose their mobile map app based on the fact it was straightforward to operate and user-friendly. 31.8% choose the map app due to the fact the app could offer all-round daily life service.

Source:China Internet Watch

China Digital


Microblogging + Alipay

Sina and Alibaba have teamed up to open joint microblogging Alipay accounts. Previously, customers had to log into their Alipay accounts separately after making a purchase on Weibo, but that hassle is no longer necessary. After transactions have been made, customers can communicate with sellers and share their purchases on their microblogs.

Source:IT Feed

China Digital


Shanghai Launched Cross- Border B2C E-Commerce Platform in FTZ

Shanghai Free Trade Zone officially launched cross border e-commerce platform kuajingtong.com on December 28, 2013. It is the first e-commerce enterprise granted by Chinese government. Kuajingtong aims at becoming the official and standard cross-border e-commerce platform in China. The site is supported by Shanghai customs, and has the advantages of product authentication guarantee, competitive pricing, transparent taxes, convenient logistics and customer service. Kuajingtong overseas products only require 50% custom duty, while normally other enterprises have to pay 150%. The company has contacted about 20 international B2C enterprises’ and plans to become the portal site of china cross border e-commerce.

Source:China Internet Watch

China Digital


China’s Telecommunication Services For Sale

China is set to permit foreign ownership of several national telecommunication services. Areas such as call centers and home Internet access will be open to full foreign ownership whereas the ownership of firms providing online data and analysis will be capped at 55%. In order for foreign companies to offer these services, they must base their infrastructure in the Shanghai free trade zone. The free trade zone was established in September last year with the plan of opening up parts of the economy and providing a fresh wave of economic growth. Earlier this year, the government announced that it would allow foreign firms to make video games consoles within the free trade zone and sell them throughout China. Furthermore, within the zone, the government is experimenting with free trade in the Chinese currency and allowing interest rates to be set by market forces.

