Web2Asia appointed European Marketing Partner for the CHINICT 2008 in Beijing
May 6th 2008
Together with our parent company MH | direkt, an international direct marketing group with headquarters in Austria, we have been appointed marketing partner in Europe for the upcoming CHINICT conference in Beijing/China.
The CHINICT conference takes place for the 3rd consecutive time in Beijing, P.R. China, on May 22nd & 23rd 2008. This event is the largest gathering around the most innovative and fastest-growing IT rising stars in Asia and comparable to DEMO in the U.S.: participants are some of the most famous international and Chinese IT companies, VC investors, representatives of the world's most prestigious stock exchanges as well as "Rising Stars". Rising Stars are emerging companies on the Internet & Mobile sky, which have the opportunity to present themselves to selected participants in an exclusive environment.
In order to enable European "Rising Stars", Investors and other interested parties from the start up scene to participate in this influential event, a special registration web site, http://www.amiando.com/chinict08, has been set up in cooperation with Amiando AG. With amiando.com, the company offers a revolutionary online event planning tool that facilitates the organization of events of any size. The practical all-online event management tool allows sending free online invitations and enables online presales of tickets.
Applications for being selected as a Rising Star, consisting of a short PowerPoint presentation in English of your company and its activities, are possible till May 12th and should be sent directly to chinict08@web2asia.com. Special conditions for the participation of Rising Stars and VIP guest can be arranged through Web2Asia.

During its last edition, more than 500 decision-makers from major IT corporations, ministries, startups, venture capital firms, financial institutions, universities and professional organizations attended.
Attendees get a unique outlook at the hottest investment opportunities, the most cutting-edge technologies & disruptive models and also the newest market trends. The most innovative & fastest-growing rising stars get outstanding exposure in the media and a chance to win the prestigious ChinICT Rising Star award. The privileged companies having been selected have the chance to understand the best business practices in IT entrepreneurship & innovation directly from leading entrepreneurs, executives and policy-makers. Moreover, rising stars can user their exposure to find partners, customers, investors, R&D facilities, employees, service providers and much more.